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- /*
- * CapsLock.c
- *
- * By Theron Trowbridge
- * © 1995, all rights reserved
- *
- * A XFCN for HyperCard to determine if the Caps Lock key is down or not.
- * Takes no parameters. Returns "down" if the Caps Lock key is down, "up" if it is not.
- *
- * If there is one or more parameters, and the first one is a "?", syntax info is returned.
- * If there is one or more parameters, and the first one is a "!", copyright info is returned.
- *
- */
- #include "HyperXCmd.h"
- #include "XCmdStuff.h"
- Boolean CapsLockIsDown( void );
- pascal void main( XCmdPtr paramPtr )
- {
- char *paramString;
- short numParams, paramLength;
- char paramChar;
- /******** Do the standard XCMD stuff ********/
- numParams = paramPtr->paramCount;
- /* Lock the parameter block down so we can safely refer to it: */
- MoveLockParams( paramPtr, numParams );
- /* If any parameters WERE passed, go check to see if the first one is a ! or ? */
- if ( numParams > 0 )
- {
- paramString = (char *) *paramPtr->params[0];
- paramLength = strlen( paramString );
- if ( paramLength == 1 )
- {
- paramChar = *paramString;
- switch ( paramChar )
- {
- case '!':
- ReturnMessage( paramPtr, "\pCapsLock XFCN ©1995 Theron Trowbridge" );
- return;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- ReturnMessage( paramPtr, "\pSyntax is: \"CapsLock()\"" );
- return;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( CapsLockIsDown() )
- ReturnMessage( paramPtr, "\pdown" );
- else
- ReturnMessage( paramPtr, "\pup" );
- return;
- }
- Boolean CapsLockIsDown( void )
- {
- KeyMap testKeyMap;
- GetKeys( testKeyMap );
- if ( BitTst( &testKeyMap, 62 ) )
- return( true );
- else
- return( false );
- }